Living Achives and Sharing Struggles
20.05.2022, 19:00
The lesbian archives teach us a history we learned little or nothing about in school. Did you take part in these struggles, gatherings and the celebrations that came with them? We invite you to tell your story using an item from your desk drawers or storage closet (photos, leaflets, poems, letters, flyers, objects, etc.) during an evening of discussion and shared remembrance of these protests…
- Workshops
Walking Tour: A History of Squats
23.09.2018, 15:00
Marie-Hélène Grinevald, an activist working for the right to housing, lived in a number of squats, i.e., Les Grottes and at 10 Avenue du Mail and 18 Rue du Conseil Général. She would like to revive the memory of Geneva the Undefeated with a walking tour of her former squats. Départ Le Commun , Rue des bains 28, 1205 Genève.
- Encounters
13.12.2015, 15:00–18:00
From the book as an exhibition space to the form that escapes from books and takes over the space. The publisher Théophile’s Papers brings together at Rosa Brux the work of four artists published under the venue name for this show, which resonates like an unknown transcription on paper. Taking as their starting point the very core of their publications, Christian Aschman, Baptiste Caccia,…
24.11.2019, 16:00–17:00
The “cantastorie” (story-singers) tradition has existed in Sicily since the 17th century. These particular sung narratives are about Sicilians who emigrated to Switzerland and throughout the world. With Mauro Geraci, professor at the University of Messina and a “cantastorie” himself, and Federica Tamarozzi, curator at the Geneva Ethnography Museum. In collaboration with the Geneva Ethnography…
- Concert
Concert and Performance
30.04.2016, 19:00
Greatest Hits is the name of Price’s debut pop album and performance concert (2015). This work deals with the nostalgic feelings sparked by existing lyrics and melodies embodied in the mechanisms of mainstream pop while attempting to explore the potential of musical and performative formats. The forms of his work are mutating as they appear in exhibition spaces, galleries and clubs, and are…
- Performance
Working Conditions in Switzerland and Migration, Yesterday, Today and […]
19.11.2019, 19:00–21:00
A meeting and discussion about the consequences for working conditions in Switzerland that might follow from the framework-agreement with the EU concerning this subject. With Marianne Halle, in charge of communications and external relations at the Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés; Pierre-Yves Maillard, chairman of the Union syndicale suisse; Jacques Robert, construction trades unionist and…
- Encounters
23.09.2016, 19:00
Using a 1932 photomontage by John Heartfield, Vincent de Roguin offers us a critical and personal review of radical political imagery from the 20th century, from its mythological or revolutionary roots to its most regrettable contemporary reappropriations. Communist agitprop, Swiss fascism, German pop art, or British anarcho-punk, take your pick – Vincent de Roguin traces the history of…
- Conferences
Feminist Self-Defense Classes
14.05.2022, 9:30–13:30
The STRAT association invites you to take part in a feminist self-defense workshop for women (self-identified) and trans,* intersex and non-binary people. In this introduction to physical self-defense we learn to recognize our boundaries and make people respect them, recognize the legitimacy of defending ourselves and become better at it. The goal is to construct a range of self-defense tools…
- Workshops
Film Series
These feature and documentary movies address various aspects of the history of seasonal workers in Switzerland in light of similar cases in Spain, Italy and the former Yugoslavia. The example of Bangladesh offers a counterpoint underlining the issues of labor migration in other contexts. Each of these five thematic evenings will include discussions. Film series organized by the Atelier…
- Film screenings
Destins croisés
13.11.2019, 18:30
Calabria Pierre-François Sauter (2016, 117’) Jovan et José, employés des pompes funèbres lausannoises, rapatrient le corps d’un ex-saisonnier calabrais. Ce voyage introspectif en corbillard est l’occasion d’un retour sur l’identité métissée et mouvante de ceux qui ont quitté leur pays d’origine en quête d’une vie meilleure. Fonction Cinéma, Maison des Arts du Grütli, Rue Général-Dufour 16, 1205…
- Film screenings
Itinéraires saisonniers
20.11.2019, 18:30
Le vent de septembre Alexander J. Seiler (2002, 105’) Dans la région des Pouilles, Alexander J. Seiler retrouve certains saisonniers et saisonnières qu’il avait filmés trente-six ans plus tôt pour son documentaire Siamo italiani. S’intéressant à leur trajectoire ainsi qu’à celles de leurs enfants et petits-enfants, le réalisateur met en lumière les ambivalences d’un statut dont l’héritage…
- Film screenings
Vies confisquées
27.11.2019, 18:30
Les Bouffeurs de fer Shaheen Dill-Riaz (2007, 85’) Les inondations consécutives à la saison des pluies contraignent les paysans du nord du Bangladesh à chercher un emploi saisonnier dans le sud pour échapper à la famine. Embauchés sur les chantiers de démolition de navires à Chittagong, dans le golfe du Bengale, ils travaillent dans des conditions qui relèvent de l’esclavage. Cinéma CDD, Sentiers…
- Film screenings
Lettres ouvertes
12.11.2019, 18:30–20:00
Lettres ouvertes Série de portraits de Katharine Dominicé réalisés pour l’exposition (2019) Katharine Dominicé a accompagné d’anciens saisonniers et saisonnières dans l’écriture d’une lettre destinée à partager avec leurs proches leur expérience de migration. Filmés par la réalisatrice dans des lieux symboliques, ces témoignages sont accompagnés de photographies et d’objets chers aux personnes…
- Film screenings
Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… à Meyrin
21.11.2019, 18:45
Lettres ouvertes (2019) de Katharine Dominicé Les Traces (2019) de Pablo Briones Projection des films témoignant de la migration de travail hier et aujourd’hui. En présence de la réalisatrice et du réalisateur. Forum Meyrin, Foyer du Théâtre, Place des Cinq-Continents 1, 1217 Meyrin.
- Film screenings
Regards d’immigré·e·s sur la Suisse
06.11.2019, 18:30
Pain et chocolat Franco Brusati ( 1973, 111’) En mettant en scène l’itinérance rocambolesque d’un émigré italien à la recherche d’une place de travail dans le « paradis » helvétique, Franco Brusati compose une fresque fictionnelle sensible et burlesque de l’exploitation de la main-d’œuvre étrangère Fonction Cinéma, Maison des Arts du Grütli, Rue Général-Dufour 16, 1205 Genève.
- Film screenings
Saisonniers d’Espagne
30.10.2019, 18:30
Pour vivre ici / Saisonniers d’Espagne Claude Goretta (1963, 190’) Dans un documentaire d’une rare empathie produit au début des années 1960, Claude Goretta saisit les étapes qui jalonnent le parcours des saisonniers espagnols à Genève, « étrangers deux fois, par le passeport et l’isolement ». Album de famille Fernand Melgar (1993, 54’) Au cours d’un entretien filmé par leur fils, Florinda et…
- Film screenings
Cinéma Spoutnik, Film Cycle
As a complement to this show, Rosa Brux partnered with Cinéma Spoutnik to screen a series of documents relating to the so-called May ’68 years in Geneva. Bringing together feature films, documentaries, forbidden flix and art movies, this anthology seeks to capture the deepest concerns of our era and reevaluate Geneva’s protest movements. Scheduled films: Jonas qui aura 25 ans en l’an 2000 Le…
- Film screenings
Gynecological and Obstetrical Violence and Women’s Reappropriation of […]
31.08.2018, 18:00
A lawyer by training, since 2013 Lahaye has been posting the blog “Marie accouche là,” a feminist and political exploration of childbirth. Her book Accouchement : les femmes méritent mieux was published by Editions Michalon. Centre d’Art Contemporian Genève, Rue des Vieux-Grenadier 10, 1205 Genève.
- Conferences
Talk with Lars Bang Larsen, Marie Kølbæk Iversen and Yann Chateigné
14.02.2014, 20:00
Discussion with Lars Bang Larsen, Marie Kølbæk Iversen, and Yann Chateigné (in English). The curator and art historian Lars Bang Larsen earned a PhD from the University of Copenhagen on psychedelic concepts in neo-avant-garde art with his thesis A History of Irritated Material: Psychedelic Concepts in Neo-avant-garde Art. His recent publications include The Critical Mass of Mediation (with Søren…
- Round table
Artists Rights
25.04.2018, 20:00
As part of Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better mounted by Rosa Brux with the help of Les Archives contestaires, a round-table discussion titled Droits des artistes (Artists Rights) will be hosted by: Tiphanie Blanc, exhibition curator and member of Wages For Wages Against (CH) Marc Rossier, attorney, Artists Rights / Lab-of-Arts (CH) Grégory Jérôme, associate member of Économie solidaire de l’art…
- Round table
Board Game
05.02.2015, 19:00
The critical approach adopted by Valentin Defaux proposes putting into perspective the complex system of modeling that laid the ground work for the Meadows report’s conclusions through a computer-assisted board game. In the wake of Guy Debord, who designed in 1977 his version of the Kriegsspiel (war game), reproducing the whole network of strategic and tactical interconnections of war following…
- Workshops
Natural Contraception
01.09.2018, 14:00
A naturopath who specializes in women’s health, Karen Morand has been a therapist and teacher of gynecological naturopathy for more than ten years. Her practice is about helping women from their pre-teen years through menopause, using companion plants for women, natural remedies and energetic treatment for all female disorders. She teaches how to manage fertility reliably without using hormones,…
- Workshops
Gynecological Health and Vaginal Pain
26.08.2018, 14:00
A naturopath who has been living in Lausanne for 15 years, Mireille Currat has become a specialist in women’s health, initially under the supervision of Rina Nissim and then through the course of daily experiences and exchanges with the women who come to her for treatment. She also draws on Kousmine and Ayurvedic practices. Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Rue des Vieux-Grenadier 10, 1205 Genève.
- Workshops
Launch of Johann Kauth’s Fanzine and K7 Set by DJ Cosmo Knex
16.02.2014, 16:00
At 4 pm, launch of a fanzine created by Johann Kauth and K7 set by DJ Cosmo Knex. The musician and graphic artist, Johann Kauth studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Amsterdam. For each of the concerts he puts together, Kauth creates the posters and flyers in Risograph or silkscreen printing. He has roamed and romped around stages in Europe and the USA in a number of groups (Fyoelk, Laser…
19.09.2024, 17:00
Library Opening and Activation of the Installation by Clémence Seilles and […]
14.02.2014, 19:00
Rosa Brux and Oraibi (the traveling bookstore and curatorial facility based in Geneva) have invited over for a weekend the artist and designer Clémence Seilles, together with The Estate of Matt Montini, to come up with a display for a selection of books. Selected from its catalogue, the works are articulated around literary and artistic sources steeped in a refashioned pan-European…
- Encounters
08.02.2023, 20:00
Reading in French and German with Francesca Petrarca, Francesco Micieli and Philippe Rebetez. The exhibition remains open until 20:00. NMB, Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne.
- Encounters
Reading by Ana Vaz
23.01.2014, 19:00
Real and sham vestiges, geological strata, layers of memory, these mix and blend to deconstruct spaces linked with modernity and the civilized world. Ana Vaz examines the history of evolution through an alternative depiction of past civilizational and architectural utopias. Her film titled A Idade da Pedra (The Stone Age) takes as its starting point the construction of Brasília, the city built…
- Concert
Migrant Children in Difficult Situations
06.11.2019, 16:00–17:00
Today, like yesterday, migrant workers face issues and situations that profoundly affect their lives. The exhibition will include two moments for exchanges about lived experiences. In partnership with the Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés. Le Commun, Rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève.
- Encounters
The Swiss and Guest Workers
14.11.2019, 12:15–13:00
The clash of messages in this collection of political posters held by the municipal library sheds light on the relationships between Swiss citizens and guest workers as well as foreign workers generally. They concentrate the dynamics and key issues in the country’s past, present and future. With Charles Magnin, Historian An initiative of the Bibliothèque de Genève in collaboration with the…
- Conferences
Living Library
03.06.2023, 14:00–16:00
Former guest workers talk about their experiences in historic places in the city. NMB, Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne.
- Stories
Mothering and Breast-Feeding as a Source of Empowerment
03.09.2018, 18:00
Mathilde Aroud and Nathalie Donnez
A graduate of the Geneva Haute Ecole de Santé, Aroud and Donnez are independent midwives in Geneva. They wrote a master’s thesis on the experiences of women who practice long-term breastfeeding. They have also written an article on the subject for the magazine sage-femme.ch Centre d’art contemporain Genève, Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 10, 1205 Genève.
- Workshops
Where Are We at with Artists Rights?
14.10.2020, 18:00
Working conditions and compensation in the visual arts 2nd meeting: compensation models Two years after our first meeting about artists’ working conditions, you are invited to a round table with: • Thierry Apothéloz, State Councilor in charge of the Department of Social Cohesion • Sami Kanaan, Administrative Councilor in charge of the Department of Culture and Digital Transition • Eelco van der…
- Round table
Where Are We Now with Artists’ Rights?
26.09.2018, 18:30
A roundup of the current situation hosted by Rosa Brux and Hélène Mariéthoz focusing on the various Swiss initiatives and demands aimed at concretely improving artists’ working conditions. Guest speakers: Hélène Mariéthoz Freelance curator Yaniv Benhamou Attorney for Lab-of-arts, an association that works to promote artmaking by furnishing legal assistance to working artists in the form of a…
- Encounters
Library Opening
Rosa Brux and Oraibi (the traveling bookstore and curatorial facility based in Geneva) have invited over for a weekend the artist and designer Clémence Seilles, together with The Estate of Matt Montini, to come up with a display for a selection of books. Selected from its catalogue, the works are articulated around literary and artistic sources steeped in a refashioned pan-European…
27.11.2015, 19:00
Protection Room is an exhibition wherein five artists will inhabit « Rosa Brux », which originally functioned as a flat. Protection Room explores nuances of transparency and opacity and the thin line between the private and the public – questioning if this line still exists. During a week five artists respond to different aspects and tactics of ‘hiding’ and ‘covering over’ (« protection ») –…
- Performance
18.04.2014, 19:00
“The ground floor sitting room is connected to the rooms above by a stairway whose ramp is a shaky thing; you leap and fall from it; from it you speak up or take a running jump towards the chandelier. The first floor is reserved for the leads; it’s Olympus and the extras don’t venture up there. It’s up there that you pack your bags, where the gang meets, the mean tricks are planned out, and the…
- Performance
10.01.2015, 19:00
Vision à 360 degrés des dauphins, pin des Alpes, philosophie de Juwain, schizophrénie et sociopathie, un mayen sur l’ubac, sérendipité, santon et parfum : c’est Flux Paranoïa. A la frontière des domaines d’action, le projet est une traversée ludique, burlesque et passionnée autour des questions de récit, des savoirs, de l’échange ; la langue comme une matière malléable. Génératrice de lien, Flux…
- Performance
15.06.2012, 18:00–21:30
A kind of twilight, The Blue Hour provides the eponymous performance of Georg Keller (Zug/CH, 1980) with its metaphorical context. Creating three distinct figures, Keller elaborates a critique of the gamble that is the economy. A quick and sharp street vendor, aware that he is working illegally, does business out of sight of a department store salesperson, mechanically greeting potential…
26.05.2012, 18:00
29.01.2015, 20:00
MONUMENT n. Latin monumentum. 1. A statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous person or notable event. A memorial, e.g., triumphal arch, column, trophy, etc. Monument to the dead, erected in memory of the dead from the same community, or victims of the same catastrophe. 2. A structure or stone erected, or pile of stones, which have a religious or symbolic value. 3. A…
- Performance
29.11.2013, 20:30
Katrin Gattinger has carried out a number of actions, including working the area where the fields of drawing and performance meet. One has to do with the spatialization of a form and the other with granting that spatialization its capacity to be an event, and in this their meeting point becomes the point of political commitment by way of the graphic gesture. At Rosa Brux Gattinger is showing a…
- Performance
Legal Advice Clinic, Forde, Geneva
Artists are underinformed about their rights. This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. Forde, Place des Volontaires 4, 1204 Genève.
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, the Grütli, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Legal Advice, Yaniv Benhamou
17.06.2017, 17:30–19:30
Starting in the 1960s, a decade when the politicalization of a part of the art world went up against the institutional art authorities, many demands were put forward regarding the status and working conditions of artists. From the first contract including a clause protecting artists’ resale rights conceptualized by Seth Siegelaub with the help of Bob Projansky to the more recent campaigns…
- Legal Advice Clinic