10 Bucks and a Mars Bar
10 bucks and a Mars bar. 10 10-euro notes. 10 chocolate-flavored bars. One exhibition at Rosabrux. 28 February 2014. 10 balles et un Mars (10 Bucks and a Mars Bar) is a project initiated by 3-8, whose mission is to bring together young artists freshly minted from a range of schools all of whom have a medium that is specific to their individual practice, be it drawing, performance, graphic novel…
Le 10 décembre 1980, 17 jeunes artistes exposants au Musée Rath profitent de cette tribune pour manifester l’indigence et la précarité de leur statut en exhibant un texte critiquant la politique culturelle de Genève à la place de leur travail artistique. À la suite de ce que la presse nomme une « grève d’artistes », l’association du 26 novembre (A26N) voit le jour afin défendre les intérêts des…
Adeline Rindström
Adrian Piper
Alexandre Bianchini
The group show Almagestes brings together artists, designers, theoreticians, and art critics who were invited to exhibit a list of works from their personal library. While avoiding the possible pitfall of anthologies made up of favorite books, each of the lists explores various forms of declaration and utterance, running from the obvious gesture to the monomaniacal collection, not to mention…
Alvaro Bizzarri
As Morena La Barba stressed in the reviewDécadrages (14, 2009, p. 81), “Alvaro Bizzarri’s films were not born in television studios, nor in production companies, nor in film schools. Bizzarri was a blacksmith… His films are born among the workers of the Italian Free Colonies, in Bienne, Switzerland. He films the life and work experiences of his compatriots as a self-taught filmmaker, although he…
Ana Vaz
An Exhibition
Une exposition (An Exhibition) is a group exhibition of exhibitions of images exhibiting their condition of being images even though they could be archetypes of artworks. In other words, the exhibition is the image of the image that is projected of a work of art being but an image, an exhibition (hi)story. That is, there is in the projected images of the exhibition a story/history of artworks…
Anouck Fontaine
LIYH, Geneva
—“We oppose any political movement whose theories dare not cross the doorstep into private lives and whose members are revolutionaries in the street and sexists at home. For us, everything is political.”1 —“We want assisted reproductive technology, not kids.”2 —“There’s no other way to escape because there is no other territory, no other bank of the Mississippi, no Palestine or Liberia for women.…
Archives contestataires
Art Handling in Oblivion
For Rob van Leijsen’s first show in Belgium, Rosa Brux is pleased to present an impossible exhibition catalogue featuring five collections of artworks that were stolen or vandalized during various wars. Whether it’s a German collection that was carried off by the Red Army at the end of WWII, or the pillaging of the Iraqi National Museum in 2003 as American troops closed in, this show offers a…
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Lausanne
Artists are under-informed about their rights. This lack of information is detrimental to their interests, particularly in their relations with other cultural actors. The legal permanence aims to advise artists of all disciplines. The consultations are offered by the association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) which gathers attorneys specialized in art law. This bureau…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Lausanne
Artists are under-informed about their rights. This lack of information is detrimental to their interests, particularly in their relations with other cultural actors. The legal permanence aims to advise artists of all disciplines. The consultations are offered by the association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) which gathers attorneys specialized in art law. This bureau…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Lausanne
Artists are under-informed about their rights. This lack of information is detrimental to their interests, particularly in their relations with other cultural actors. The legal permanence aims to advise artists of all disciplines. The consultations are offered by the association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) which gathers attorneys specialized in art law. This bureau…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, the Grütli, Geneva
This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. This project was initiated by Lab-of-Arts and Rosa Brux. Since 2019, it can be consulted, on a…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists’ Rights, Tunnel Tunnel, Lausanne
Artists are under-informed about their rights. This lack of information is detrimental to their interests, particularly in their relations with other cultural actors. The legal permanence aims to advise artists of all disciplines. The consultations are offered by the association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) which gathers attorneys specialized in art law. This bureau…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Artists Rights
25.04.2018, 20:00
As part of Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better mounted by Rosa Brux with the help of Les Archives contestaires, a round-table discussion titled Droits des artistes (Artists Rights) will be hosted by: Tiphanie Blanc, exhibition curator and member of Wages For Wages Against (CH) Marc Rossier, attorney, Artists Rights / Lab-of-Arts (CH) Grégory Jérôme, associate member of Économie solidaire de l’art…
- Round table
Artists Rights
Artists are underinformed about their rights. This lack of information is harmful to their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. Since 2019, the Bureau des compagnies in Geneva has…
Artists Rights Initiatives
14.06.2022, 11:30–12:30
Meeting (FR/EN/DE) With Lucie Kolb (artist and author), Rosa Brux (curatorial group), Tiphanie Blanc (art critic) – Wages For Wages Against Messe Basel, HALL 1.1, Entrance Isteinerstrasse, Gate 107.
- Encounters
Art Workers Coalition
Board Game
05.02.2015, 19:00
The critical approach adopted by Valentin Defaux proposes putting into perspective the complex system of modeling that laid the ground work for the Meadows report’s conclusions through a computer-assisted board game. In the wake of Guy Debord, who designed in 1977 his version of the Kriegsspiel (war game), reproducing the whole network of strategic and tactical interconnections of war following…
- Workshops
13.12.2015, 15:00–18:00
From the book as an exhibition space to the form that escapes from books and takes over the space. The publisher Théophile’s Papers brings together at Rosa Brux the work of four artists published under the venue name for this show, which resonates like an unknown transcription on paper. Taking as their starting point the very core of their publications, Christian Aschman, Baptiste Caccia,…
Boutheyna Bouslama
When she arrived in Geneva to study visual arts while working as a lecturer at the Beaux-Arts school, Boutheyna Bouslama quickly faced the limits imposed on her by her status as an extra-European worker. During a study trip that was bound for the city of Bucharest, she was turned away at the border while the rest of the group was able to continue its journey. She made on the spot the film Mama…
Bureau for Legal Aid Services, Zoom
Artists are under-informed about their rights. This lack of information is detrimental to their interests, particularly in their relations with other cultural actors. The legal permanence aims to advise artists of all disciplines. The consultations are offered by the association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) which gathers attorneys specialized in art law. This bureau…
- Legal Advice Clinic
A la lumière du jour, Maxime Bondu
The feeling of deception appears like a form of nostalgia for reality. Literature is full of examples, from the genre known as uchronia to the science fiction that predicts the future. Maxime Bondu (Tournan-en-Brie/F, *1985) examines the forms and themes of our relationship to history and our projection into the future, both of these as mediators of the contemporary age, more than the opposite…
Camille Ducellier
Camille Lan
24.11.2019, 16:00–17:00
The “cantastorie” (story-singers) tradition has existed in Sicily since the 17th century. These particular sung narratives are about Sicilians who emigrated to Switzerland and throughout the world. With Mauro Geraci, professor at the University of Messina and a “cantastorie” himself, and Federica Tamarozzi, curator at the Geneva Ethnography Museum. In collaboration with the Geneva Ethnography…
- Concert
Carlo Tacconi
Camarade de longue date de Narcisse Praz, Carlo tacconi filme l’alphabet anarchiste grandeur nature qui fut orchestré sur le pont du Mont-Blanc dans le cadre du cortège du premier mai 1974 . Ce court-métrage réalisé au format Super 8 a été remasterisé par la Cinémathèque d’Andalousie à l’initiative de Carlo Tacconi pour l’exposition Essayer encore, rater encore, rater mieux.
Carole Roussopoulos
Chantal Montellier
Too intelligent, too beautiful, too strong, too much of a commie? Chantal Montellier has often been viewed a mix of fear and fascination – a fact that has caused her art to be relegated to second place in the history of her critical reception, when it should have garnered full attention. This exhibition aims at focusing on a highly prolific period in Montellier’s career, to firmly inscribe it…
Charles Bontout
Cinéma Spoutnik, Film Cycle
As a complement to this show, Rosa Brux partnered with Cinéma Spoutnik to screen a series of documents relating to the so-called May ’68 years in Geneva. Bringing together feature films, documentaries, forbidden flix and art movies, this anthology seeks to capture the deepest concerns of our era and reevaluate Geneva’s protest movements. Scheduled films: Jonas qui aura 25 ans en l’an 2000 Le…
- Film screenings
Clit 007
Clémence Seilles
Collège du travail
Concert and Performance
30.04.2016, 19:00
Greatest Hits is the name of Price’s debut pop album and performance concert (2015). This work deals with the nostalgic feelings sparked by existing lyrics and melodies embodied in the mechanisms of mainstream pop while attempting to explore the potential of musical and performative formats. The forms of his work are mutating as they appear in exhibition spaces, galleries and clubs, and are…
- Performance
Confiscated Lives
27.11.2019, 18:30
Ironeaters Shaheen Dill-Riaz (2007, 85’) Floods following the rainy season and the threat of famine force peasants in northern Bangladesh to seek seasonal employment in the south. Hired by boat breakers in Chittagong, in the Bay of Bengal, they find themselves trapped in conditions of near slavery. Cinema CDD, Sentiers des Saules 3, 1205 Genève.
- Film screenings
Crystal Maze VII, Transformation Place
“The ground floor sitting room is connected to the rooms above by a stairway whose ramp is a shaky thing; you leap and fall from it; from it you speak up or take a running jump towards the chandelier. The first floor is reserved for the leads; it’s Olympus and the extras don’t venture up there. It’s up there that you pack your bags, where the gang meets, the mean tricks are planned out, and the…
Daniel Vittet
Destins croisés
13.11.2019, 18:30
Calabria Pierre-François Sauter (2016, 117’) Jovan et José, employés des pompes funèbres lausannoises, rapatrient le corps d’un ex-saisonnier calabrais. Ce voyage introspectif en corbillard est l’occasion d’un retour sur l’identité métissée et mouvante de ceux qui ont quitté leur pays d’origine en quête d’une vie meilleure. Fonction Cinéma, Maison des Arts du Grütli, Rue Général-Dufour 16, 1205…
- Film screenings
Direct Action, Indirect Speech Laurent Güdel
Le Carreau du Temple, Paris
For Videobox, Rosa Brux chose to invite the artist Laurent Güdel to present his film Action directe, discours indirect, first screened in 2019 at the LUFF (Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival). This movie, where we hear people talking but never see them, is based on recorded interviews with veteran trade unionists active in Geneva during the 1920s and ‘30s. Güdel dove deep and came up with…
Dorothée Elisa Baumann