Emilie Gleason, Jeanne Gillard and Nicolas Rivet
“Who built Thebes of the seven gates?” Bertolt Brecht asks in his poem Questions from a Worker Who Reads, pointing up the absence of key players in the historical narrative. From a number of Geneva’s suburbs to major infrastructure projects and the imposing buildings of international organizations, guest workers, together with their colleagues who faced less job insecurity, often immigrants but…
Enquête sur les conditions de travail des artistes* à Genève
October 2020
PDFCarried out between December 2019 and May 2020, the study aims to take stock of the working conditions of cultural actors in the field of contemporary art in Geneva. It was also designed to collect data on the question in order to examine how to foster progress in terms of those working conditions and bring them into a better alignment. The study includes the cultural actors living and/or active…
Enrico Gastaldello
Espace Femmes International
Espace de solidarité femmes Nord-Sud. Lieu de mémoire et d’échange. Maillon du mouvement international des femmes.
Exhibition Opening
22.11.2018, 18:00
For Videobox, Rosa Brux chose to invite the artist Laurent Güdel to present his film Action directe, discours indirect, first screened in 2019 at the LUFF (Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival). This movie, where we hear people talking but never see them, is based on recorded interviews with veteran trade unionists active in Geneva during the 1920s and ’30s. Güdel dove deep and came up with…
- Opening
Exhibition Opening
05.05.2022, 19:00
Exhibition opening with members of the Espaces femme International in attendance. LIYH, Head - Genève, Bd James-Fazy 15, 1203 Genève.
Exhibition Opening
28.02.2014, 18:00
10 Bucks and a Mars Bar. 10 10-euro notes. 10 chocolate-flavored bars. One exhibition at Rosabrux. 28 February 2014. 10 balles et un Mars (10 Bucks and a Mars Bar) is a project initiated by 3-8, whose mission is to bring together young artists freshly minted from a range of schools all of whom have a medium that is specific to their individual practice, be it drawing, performance, graphic novel…
Exhibition Opening
08.09.2016, 18:00
To confront the segregation perpetrated and perpetuated in the 1980s by American cultural authorities, the collective Group Material chose to temporarily convert the exhibition format into another cognitive model. Notably through a timeline, their exhibitions, both complex and inclusive, brought together a variety of styles, ethnic groups, genders or sexual orientations, attempting to break down…
Exhibition Opening
15.03.2013, 19:00
The group show Almagestes brings together artists, designers, theoreticians, and art critics who were invited to exhibit a list of works from their personal library. While avoiding the possible pitfall of anthologies made up of favorite books, each of the lists explores various forms of declaration and utterance, running from the obvious gesture to the monomaniacal collection, not to mention…
Exhibition Opening
29.02.2024, 18:00
Exhibition Opening
06.07.2023, 18:00
Exhibition Opening
16.12.2022, 19:00
Exhibition Opening
13.06.2022, 17:00–19:00
Exhibition Opening
20.04.2018, 19:00–21:00
Exhibition Opening
13.09.2018, 18:00
Opening of the show at Le Commun. Le Commun, Rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève.
Exhibition Opening
29.11.2013, 19:00
Katrin Gattinger has carried out a number of actions, including working the area where the fields of drawing and performance meet. One has to do with the spatialization of a form and the other with granting that spatialization its capacity to be an event, and in this their meeting point becomes the point of political commitment by way of the graphic gesture. At Rosa Brux Gattinger is showing a…
Exhibition Opening
22.04.2016, 19:00
Here it’s a question of survival. At the foot of the wall of determinisms of an American society that was its dream ever more aggressively, a wave of artists unfurled and broke with unprecedented energy. Between superhuman verbosity, raw demands, resigned resilience, and reappropriation of the myth of the self-made man, American rappers have shot up in recent decades as a multitude of independent…
Exhibition Opening
05.04.2013, 19:00
The feeling of deception appears like a form of nostalgia for reality. Literature is full of examples, from the genre known as uchronia to the science fiction that predicts the future. Maxime Bondu (Tournan-en-Brie/F, *1985) examines the forms and themes of our relationship to history and our projection into the future, both of these as mediators of the contemporary age, more than the opposite…
Exhibition Opening
29.01.2015, 19:00
MONUMENT n. Latin monumentum. 1. A statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous person or notable event. A memorial, e.g., triumphal arch, column, trophy, etc. Monument to the dead, erected in memory of the dead from the same community, or victims of the same catastrophe. 2. A structure or stone erected, or pile of stones, which have a religious or symbolic value. 3. A…
Exhibition Opening
09.04.2015, 19:00
Opening of the exhibition NO/GO LIT Rosa Brux, Rue de l’Autonomie 9, 1070 Bruxelles.
- Opening
Exhibition Opening
29.10.2019, 18:00
Launching of the exhibition in the presence of the Protestant Archives, the College of Work, Rosa Brux and participants including Katharine Dominicé, Pablo Briones. For the buffet of the opening Kunst Cantine plunged into the traditional Portuguese, Spanish, Albanian, Italian and Yugoslavian recipes to honor these 5 countries during the inauguration. Le Commun, Rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève.
Exhibition Opening
23.10.2015, 18:00
The inaugural event of this new season at Rosa Brux is Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance. Using several photo installations, the show presents the artist Dorothée Baumann’s in-depth look at the founding and development of a fundamental research center in the cognitive neurosciences, the Brain & Behaviour Laboratory (BBL), located in Switzerland. Focusing on the study of human behavior, the lab centers…
Exhibition Opening
27.11.2015, 18:00
Protection Room is an exhibition wherein five artists will inhabit « Rosa Brux », which originally functioned as a flat. Protection Room explores nuances of transparency and opacity and the thin line between the private and the public – questioning if this line still exists. During a week five artists respond to different aspects and tactics of ‘hiding’ and ‘covering over’ (« protection ») –…
Exhibition Opening
13.12.2013, 19:00
Une exposition (An Exhibition) is a group exhibition of exhibitions of images exhibiting their condition of being images even though they could be archetypes of artworks. In other words, the exhibition is the image of the image that is projected of a work of art being but an image, an exhibition (hi)story. That is, there is in the projected images of the exhibition a story/history of artworks…
Exhibition Opening
17.05.2013, 20:00
During the evening event 3-8 is pleased to offer a screening of Révoltes Logiques (Logical Revolts), Louis Henderson’s 2012 graduation film project for his degree from Le Fresnoy (Studio national des arts contemporains). Taking as his starting point the discovery of the scenario for a film that was never shot, written by the UN in the 1950s and dealing with the Suez Crisis, Henderson went to the…
Exhibition Opening
19.06.2015, 19:00
Paul Hendrikse’s The Particular Unity of the Same and Other (an Amplitude) at Rosa Brux is the Swiss iteration of the eponymous exhibition currently running at Heden in The Hague, Netherlands. Both shows take shape around a recent trip Hendrikse made to Indonesia and reflect on the image that either precedes the foreigner, the outsider, or remains after they have left. The position of the…
Exhibition Opening
12.12.2015, 19:00
From the book as an exhibition space to the form that escapes from books and takes over the space. The publisher Théophile’s Papers brings together at Rosa Brux the work of four artists published under the venue name for this show, which resonates like an unknown transcription on paper. Taking as their starting point the very core of their publications, Christian Aschman, Baptiste Caccia,…
Exhibition Opening
06.12.2014, 18:00
Back after a series of exhibitions and events around Switzerland, the books that were awarded the Fernand Baudin Prize (prize for the most beautiful books in Brussels and French-speaking Belgium) will be on display at Rosa Brux in a retrospective show featuring all of the prize-winners, from 2008 right up to the present day. Along with these prize-winning books, the gallery will also be showing…
Exhibition Opening
07.06.2018, 18:00
Feminist Self-Defense Classes
14.05.2022, 9:30–13:30
The STRAT association invites you to take part in a feminist self-defense workshop for women (self-identified) and trans,* intersex and non-binary people. In this introduction to physical self-defense we learn to recognize our boundaries and make people respect them, recognize the legitimacy of defending ourselves and become better at it. The goal is to construct a range of self-defense tools…
- Workshops
Film Screening
26.10.2012, 21:00
Screening of Louis Malle’s film Le Voleur (The Thief of Paris). Rosa Brux, Rue de l’Autonomie 9, 1070 Bruxelles.
- Film screenings
Film Series
These feature and documentary movies address various aspects of the history of seasonal workers in Switzerland in light of similar cases in Spain, Italy and the former Yugoslavia. The example of Bangladesh offers a counterpoint underlining the issues of labor migration in other contexts. Each of these five thematic evenings will include discussions. Film series organized by the Atelier…
- Film screenings
Flux Paranoïa
The 360° vision of dauphins, Swiss stone pine, Juwain’s philosophy, schizophrenia and sociopathic behaviors, a pasture on the ubac (that northern-facing shady side of mountains), Christmas crib figurine, and perfume – this is Flux Paranoïa. Bordering on the fields of act and performance, the project is a playful enthusiastic slapstick passage through questions of narrative, knowledge, and…
François Bertin
Photographe de formation, François Bertin a suivi la troupe de théâtre itinérante, les Tréteaux libres, durant l’ensemble de leur périple qui s’étend de Genève aux Causses du Larzac en passant par Londres et Aachen, entre 1968 et 1971. Son corpus photographique représente à ce jour la documentation la plus complète sur l’aventure fulgurante de cette troupe de théâtre libertaire et…
From… to Logical Revolt
—– down with — down with the military regime!!! —– —– down with — down with the military regime!!! —– —– down with — down with the military regime!!! —– Cairo. The crowd. Preparation for an anti-colonialist revolt. As if shouting at the top of your lungs had ever made a difference. No, that’s for sure, but at least that unleashes passions, like the burning need for freedom. How can I put it to…
Frédéric Wecker
Frédéric Wecker is an aesthetician and art critic. He was an editor from 2002 to 2012. From 2001 to 2004, he was in charge of the contemporary art section of the late generalist cultural magazine Sofa - the first magazine launched by what was to become the independent press group SO PRESS. In 2002, with the R.F.E. - Revue Francophone d’Esthétique, he attempted to establish an academic journal of…
Gaby Kocher
Galerie Aurora
Galerie coopérative fondée par cinq artistes genevois·se·s sous le signe de la solidarité : Gérald Ducimetière, Jacqueline Fromenteau, Joseph Heeb, Blaise Perret et Michel Schüpfer. À l’inverse des lieux officiellement consacrés à l’art, la galerie tenue par des artistes proposait un environnement informel propice à la rencontre et la curiosité d’amateur·rice·s et de non-initié·e·s du milieu…
Galerie Gaëtan
La galerie Gaëtan est un espace d’exposition à l’origine fondée par l’architecte Bao Tri. Elle est réinvestie en 1976 par un groupe composé des artistes et enseignant·e·s Silvie et Cherif Defraoui et de jeunes diplômé·e·s issus de leur atelier « media mixte » à l’École Supérieure d’Art Visuel : Philippe Deléglise, Patricia Plattner et Georg Rehsteiner. Ce collectif qui se nomme les Messageries…
Georg Keller
Groupe 5
« Alors qu’on l’attendait partout en France, le plus bel enfant cinématographique de Mai 68 vient de Suisse ». C’est en ces termes que la revue critique de cinéma L’avant-scène introduit le film Charles mort ou vif d’Alain Tanner, consacrant dans la foulée l’existence d’un cinéma d’auteur à Genève ; incarné par le Groupe 5 et composé des jeunes cinéastes Jean-Louis Roy, Claude Goretta, Michel…
Groupe Halosis
Guided tour
25.06.2023, 15:00–17:00
Last guided tour of the exhibition followed by a drink. Tour in French at 15:00. Tour in German at 16:00. NMB, Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne.
- Guided tour
Guided Tour
26.10.2012, 19:30
If the history of art has long accustomed us to ridding ourselves of our expectations when it comes to exhibitions – the emblematic examples of the 1960s conceptual art scene immediately spring to mind – the art show as catalogue makes it possible to renew the genre in this instance. Taking van Leijsen’s attempt to put together a show that only exists as a publication literally, a “guided tour”…
- Guided tour
Guided Tour
24.04.2018, 20:00
Guided tour with Stefania Giancane, Charles Magnin, and Rosa Brux Centre Culturel Suisse de Paris, 38 Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75 003 Paris.
Guided Tour
25.09.2024, 18:00
Free public guided tour Place du Reculet, 1201 Geneva, , West exit of Cornavin station, corner of Hôtel Montbrillant.
- Guided tour
Guided Tour
28.09.2024, 16:00
Free public guided tour Place du Reculet, 1201 Geneva, , West exit of Cornavin station, corner of Hôtel Montbrillant.
- Guided tour
Guided Tour
03.10.2024, 18:00
Free public guided tour Place du Reculet, 1201 Geneva, , West exit of Cornavin station, corner of Hôtel Montbrillant.
- Guided tour