Guided Tour
16.11.2024, 14:00
Free public guided tour Rousseau Island, 1204 Geneva.
- Guided tour
Guided Tour
10.10.2024, 18:00
Free public guided tour Rousseau Island, 1204 Geneva.
- Guided tour
Guided Tours
Vi Indigaïa
Vi Indigaïa is a storyteller who transmits traditional narratives, creation myths and lived experiences. She combines this art with the art of dance, because the body has its own language. Her performence also includes singing and rhythmic chanting. Her poetic fantasies are political and her identities are multiple – woman, Black and queer. LIYH, Head - Genève, Bd James-Fazy 15, 1203 Genève.
- Guided tour
Gynecological and Obstetrical Violence and Women’s Reappropriation of […]
31.08.2018, 18:00
A lawyer by training, since 2013 Lahaye has been posting the blog “Marie accouche là,” a feminist and political exploration of childbirth. Her book Accouchement : les femmes méritent mieux was published by Editions Michalon. Centre d’Art Contemporian Genève, Rue des Vieux-Grenadier 10, 1205 Genève.
- Conferences
Gynecological Health and Vaginal Pain
26.08.2018, 14:00
A naturopath who has been living in Lausanne for 15 years, Mireille Currat has become a specialist in women’s health, initially under the supervision of Rina Nissim and then through the course of daily experiences and exchanges with the women who come to her for treatment. She also draws on Kousmine and Ayurvedic practices. Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Rue des Vieux-Grenadier 10, 1205 Genève.
- Workshops
I Ain’t Tryna Survive, I’m Tryin’ to Live
Here it’s a question of survival. At the foot of the wall of determinisms of an American society that was its dream ever more aggressively, a wave of artists unfurled and broke with unprecedented energy. Between superhuman verbosity, raw demands, resigned resilience, and reappropriation of the myth of the self-made man, American rappers have shot up in recent decades as a multitude of independent…
Interfoto was founded in 1976 by a group of nonprofessional photographers who wanted to put themselves “in the service of male and female workers.” The agency is made up of 6 members, Andrea Baccini, Franco Cavadini, Véronique Jeanneret, Cornelia Kerkhoff, Jacques Saugey, and Riccardo Willig. In 1989, Interfoto published Saisons sans fin (Endless Seasons) on seasonal guest workers. The book takes…
Introduction to the Work in Progress
30.04.2016, 18:00
Greatest Hits is the name of Price’s debut pop album and performance concert (2015). This work deals with the nostalgic feelings sparked by existing lyrics and melodies embodied in the mechanisms of mainstream pop while attempting to explore the potential of musical and performative formats. The forms of his work are mutating as they appear in exhibition spaces, galleries and clubs, and are…
- Opening
Isabelle Sentis
Isabelle Sentis est co-fondatrice de Queer Code. Un espace numérique collaboratif qui rend visible les parcours de vie des femmes ayant aimé des femmes, qu’elles furent cisgenres ou transgenres durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, leurs résistances, leurs émancipations, leurs amours et leurs plaisirs… Une démarche hybride à la fois féministe, artistique et historique.
It’s Only You
Greatest Hits is the name of Price’s debut pop album and performance concert (2015). The work deals with the nostalgic feelings of existing lyrics and melodies, embodied in mechanisms of mainstream pop, while attempting to explore the potential of musical and performative formats. The forms of his work, mutating through showrooms, galleries or clubs, are always experienced differently. He creates…
Itinéraires saisonniers
20.11.2019, 18:30
Le vent de septembre Alexander J. Seiler (2002, 105’) Dans la région des Pouilles, Alexander J. Seiler retrouve certains saisonniers et saisonnières qu’il avait filmés trente-six ans plus tôt pour son documentaire Siamo italiani. S’intéressant à leur trajectoire ainsi qu’à celles de leurs enfants et petits-enfants, le réalisateur met en lumière les ambivalences d’un statut dont l’héritage…
- Film screenings
Jacques Jeannet
Jean Mohr and John Berger
In 1972, John Berger was awarded the Booker Prize. The company that began sponsoring this literary prize in 1969, Booker, McConnell Ltd, had made its fortune exploiting resources in the Caribbean for over a century, forcing part of the local population to emigrate because of the attendant poverty. Berger found it normal that the prize benefit those who had contributed in a way to its financing…
Karen Morand
Naturopathe spécialisée en Santé des Femmes, Karen Morand est thérapeute et formatrice en gynécologie naturopathique depuis plus de 10 ans. Le cœur de sa pratique est d’accompagner les femmes de la pré-adolescence à la ménopause avec l’aide des plantes-compagnes des femmes, des remèdes naturels et des soins énergétiques pour tous les troubles féminins. Elle enseigne comment gérer sa fertilité…
Katharine Dominicé
In November 2018, the curators of the show Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… Genève 1931–2019 put out a call for projects. They were looking for an original proposal to create a series of portraits of former guest workers. I sensed their desire to record authentic testimonies with a film concept of some kind. Passing on the story of these guest workers’ lives to their children and grandchildren…
Katrin Gattinger
Klaus Petrus
L’association Lab-of-Arts (Legal Arrangements for the Benefits of Arts) a été fondée en décembre 2015 par Yaniv Benhamou et Joëlle Becker pour promouvoir la création sous toutes ces formes. Elle a essentiellement pour but de fournir des conseils juridiques adaptés aux artistes et acteur·rices culturel·le·s, sous la forme d’une permanence juridique. La permanence a pour objectif de conseiller les…
la librairie la Dispersion
La Dispersion (ex-Oraibi + Beckbooks) est une librairie indépendante dédiée à l’art et à la pensée critique.
Lars Bang Larsen
Launch of Johann Kauth’s Fanzine and K7 Set by DJ Cosmo Knex
16.02.2014, 16:00
At 4 pm, launch of a fanzine created by Johann Kauth and K7 set by DJ Cosmo Knex. The musician and graphic artist, Johann Kauth studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Amsterdam. For each of the concerts he puts together, Kauth creates the posters and flyers in Risograph or silkscreen printing. He has roamed and romped around stages in Europe and the USA in a number of groups (Fyoelk, Laser…
Laurent Güdel
En 2018, Le OFF du Lausanne Underground Film Festival (LUFF) a demandé à l’artiste Biennois de se plonger dans des enregistrements d’interviews de « vétéran·e·s » syndicalistes et/ou libertaires actif·ve·s à Genève dans l’entre-deux guerres. Il en a tiré une causerie acousmatique traversée de réflexions individuelles, de luttes collectives, de chants révolutionnaires et de spéculations…
08.02.2023, 20:00
Reading in French and German with Francesca Petrarca, Francesco Micieli and Philippe Rebetez. The exhibition remains open until 20:00. NMB, Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne.
- Encounters
Legal Advice, Joëlle Becker
18.06.2017, 17:30–19:30
Starting in the 1960s, a decade when the politicalization of a part of the art world went up against the institutional art authorities, many demands were put forward regarding the status and working conditions of artists. From the first contract including a clause protecting artists’ resale rights conceptualized by Seth Siegelaub with the help of Bob Projansky to the more recent campaigns…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Legal Advice, Yaniv Benhamou
17.06.2017, 17:30–19:30
Starting in the 1960s, a decade when the politicalization of a part of the art world went up against the institutional art authorities, many demands were put forward regarding the status and working conditions of artists. From the first contract including a clause protecting artists’ resale rights conceptualized by Seth Siegelaub with the help of Bob Projansky to the more recent campaigns…
- Legal Advice Clinic
Legal Advice Clinic, Forde, Geneva
Artists are underinformed about their rights. This lack of information is harmful for their interests, especially in terms of their interactions with other actors in the cultural ecosystem. The goal of this legal clinic is to provide advice and consultation for artists working in all media, by lawyers specializing in legal issues involving art. Forde, Place des Volontaires 4, 1204 Genève.
- Legal Advice Clinic
Les messageries associées
Lieu d’accueil, d’écoute et de conseil, espace communautaire et culturel pour les femmes lesbiennes, bisexuelles, trans et queer, situé à Genève, Lestime s’adresse à celles qui veulent s’engager comme à celles qui cherchent un espace de calme et de réflexion dans un lieu protégé. Fière de son double ancrage lesbien et féministe, Lestime continue de militer pour la visibilité des lesbiennes,…
Lettres ouvertes
12.11.2019, 18:30–20:00
Lettres ouvertes Série de portraits de Katharine Dominicé réalisés pour l’exposition (2019) Katharine Dominicé a accompagné d’anciens saisonniers et saisonnières dans l’écriture d’une lettre destinée à partager avec leurs proches leur expérience de migration. Filmés par la réalisatrice dans des lieux symboliques, ces témoignages sont accompagnés de photographies et d’objets chers aux personnes…
- Film screenings
Librairie Que Faire ?
Library Opening
Rosa Brux and Oraibi (the traveling bookstore and curatorial facility based in Geneva) have invited over for a weekend the artist and designer Clémence Seilles, together with The Estate of Matt Montini, to come up with a display for a selection of books. Selected from its catalogue, the works are articulated around literary and artistic sources steeped in a refashioned pan-European…
Library Opening and Activation of the Installation by Clémence Seilles and […]
14.02.2014, 19:00
Rosa Brux and Oraibi (the traveling bookstore and curatorial facility based in Geneva) have invited over for a weekend the artist and designer Clémence Seilles, together with The Estate of Matt Montini, to come up with a display for a selection of books. Selected from its catalogue, the works are articulated around literary and artistic sources steeped in a refashioned pan-European…
- Encounters
Living Achives and Sharing Struggles
20.05.2022, 19:00
The lesbian archives teach us a history we learned little or nothing about in school. Did you take part in these struggles, gatherings and the celebrations that came with them? We invite you to tell your story using an item from your desk drawers or storage closet (photos, leaflets, poems, letters, flyers, objects, etc.) during an evening of discussion and shared remembrance of these protests…
- Workshops
Living Library
03.06.2023, 14:00–16:00
Former guest workers talk about their experiences in historic places in the city. NMB, Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne.
- Stories
Louis Henderson
Lucile Desamory
Léo Bachiri Wadimoff
Maria Eichhorn
Marie-Hélène Grinevald
Marie-Hélène Layahe
Juriste de formation, Marie-Hélène Lahaye tient depuis 2013 le blog Marie accouche là qui a pour but l’exploration féministe et politique autour de la naissance. Elle publie en 2018 le livre Accouchement : Les femmes méritent mieux aux éditions Michalon.
Marie Reinert
Mathias Ringgenberg
Mathilde Aroud
Matthias Preisser
Mauricio Leon
“Hello, my name is Mauricio Leon, and I’m a person like you, who has desires, dreams, and opinions… I do not accept any State labeling me a ‘foreigner,’ ‘B visa,’ or ‘Extra-European.’” With those words in mind and a black letter B painted on his face, Mauricio Leon decided one day to walk up and down the streets of Geneva, publicly displaying the discriminatory mark printed in his B visa. Leon…
Migrant Children in Difficult Situations
06.11.2019, 16:00–17:00
Today, like yesterday, migrant workers face issues and situations that profoundly affect their lives. The exhibition will include two moments for exchanges about lived experiences. In partnership with the Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés. Le Commun, Rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève.
- Encounters
Mireille Currat